
Competition Exhibition The Sugared Almonds Palms Sorrento - Easter Traditions Sorrento - Easter 2014 in Sorrento

Hotel Zi' Teresa

Sugared Almonds Palms Eight Exhibition

Sugared Almonds Tradition in Sorrento

One of the most particular Sorrento Peninsula traditions during Easter period is the one of the Palms of Sugared Almonds, small craftsmanship works of art made with sugared almonds of various sizes and colours, which on the Palm Sunday are brought on the church squares to be blessed and then to be exchanged with relatives and friends as a mark of peace.
Eighth Exhibition Competition The Sorrento Sugared Almonds Palms

Eighth Exhibition Competition The Sorrento Sugared Almonds Palms

In order to rediscover and to enhance the value of this ancient tradition from April 12th till April 28th 2014 in the St. Francis cloister in Sorrento there will be an exhibition just devoted to the sugared almonds palms. The exhibition will be open to the public from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 4 p.m. to 6.30 p.m. and it will also plan a competition sponsored by the local Culture Authority of Sorrento Town, and organized by the Cif, that is the Female Italian Center. The exhibited palms are select with a contest divided in 4 sections recreating the most diffused and traditional methods of workmanship: the palm of white and silver sugared almonds, the ones with coloured sugared almonds, the ones made with fig tree pith and the ones made by the pupils of the primary schools.
The awarding will happen on April 15th 2014 at 5.30 p.m.
in the Cloister of St. Francis.

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